Saturday, March 26, 2011

Jot It All Down

 (I spent a few days over Spring Break with a friend at the lake. Lots of time to read, journal, pray, and discuss God's Word. She challenges me to know God more, I would say that's a pretty good friend.)

(Whit is reading DP's Radical, can you tell we are rubbing off on each other a little?)

I like to jot things down. I like to make note. Even lists are nice sometimes (which seemingly goes against my ‘oh, anything goes’ personality). I like to keep journals, with as much detail as possible, but at the same time I like what I put on paper to have meaning, purpose I suppose. I want to remember it all, the GOOD, the BAD, and the UGLY. One of my favorite things to do is look back over my old journal entries, it blows my mind to see how God is molding me and growing me (It is all Him, because believe me, I would wilt on my own) even in the past year. Keeping a record of my everyday happenings holds me accountable. Whether it’s looking back on a low point and thinking, “I don’t want to go there again so I MUST stay firm in the Word”. Or reliving a joyous moment and reminding myself that Christ lavished His love on a sinner like me, and THAT should give me reason to praise, ALWAYS. My desire is for this blog to serve the same purpose that my journals do. To encourage, challenge, and convict me while I am serving in Africa. Not to mention keep everyone updated back home.

Some people have asked how they can help support me on this journey, (which is a tremendous blessing, because I obviously can’t do it on my own) so here is a little info along those lines:

  • PRAYER. “It’s not the power of prayer that works, it is the power of the Almighty God you are prayer to.” Pray for me to be used by the Spirit, pray for By Provision as they walk in obedience to God’s Word, and ultimately, pray for the lost souls that desperately need to encounter the saving grace of Jesus Christ.
  • FINANCIAL SUPPORT. Having confidence that God will provide all my needs, I am in earnest prayer for raising support. If you are interested in supporting me financially, please let me know and I will get you the information needed. I am excited to see God work in this way!
  • SUPPLIES. I am going to be taking some sort of supplies over to Namibia with me. I will update everyone on how they can help in that way once I get more details.
Photo Credits: Gabe Fulmer

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

The End...Of The Beginning

I am here.
I made it.
To this point.
Flight booked.
Countdown Posted.
Tangible preparation begun.
To say getting here was a journey would be an understatement. I have been stretched in more ways than I thought possible. I have learned a lot, cried a lot, and PRAYED... A LOT.

A brief overview of how I got here: (Anyone who knows me well knows, I do not know the definition of brief, but bare with me, I am going to do my best)
For the majority of my “growing up” years, (I know that I am still growing up, and believe me I have a long way to go) I convinced myself that I wanted to work in the church or in a ministry that would secure the comfortable family living lifestyle that I had always dreamed about. Don’t get me wrong, I am completely confident God calls some people to those vocations and they are most effectively making the gospel known in those capacities, but for me, it was a wall I was hiding behind instead of handing God a blank check with my life.  In the fall of 2009, God began breaking down the wall that I had built around my future and whispering in my ear, “Morgan, it is not about being comfortable, or even being safe. It is not about YOU, it is about ME, and MY glory being made known to ALL people. You are my child, let go and GO to the utter most parts of the earth. That is where you will bring me most delight. Be obedient to the Word I have set before you.”
Because of different circumstances in my life I felt as though God was leading me towards Africa, specifically Uganda, and began praying about a few opportunities there. This process took place over a year (a seemingly very LONG year, I was itching to go) and I thought I was making progress towards being there, or where I thought there was. It wasn’t until the New Year that I got the news that the organization I just KNEW I was suppose to work with wasn’t a possibility this summer. I beat myself up over that one for awhile and honestly had some pretty dark days. Now, looking back, God has brought me such comfort in watching this whole ordeal unfold. I have more confidence in the mighty power of God than I have in all my life. I was at a point where I literally had no detailed direction anymore. I knew I was suppose to go but WHERE? WHEN? HOW? I was back to ground zero. Now, I see that at the end of myself was where God was getting me all along. When I was totally dependant on Him, that was when I was going to see how truly in control MY God was (and is)! Working with By Provision was kind of thrown in my face, in the wonderful, thank you Jesus kind of a way. I began praying about the possibility and within a few week ALL the details fell into play (if God is for us, who can be against us?)!
I am now going to be spending five weeks (May 30th-July6th) this summer in Namibia, Africa, working alongside a team of wonderful missionaries that do multiple aid/outreach projects with one goal in mind: getting the gospel to those who have never heard before. I get to do that. Nothing brings me more excitement. Right now I am focusing on raising support and preparing different curriculum/activities I will be leading while I am there. I know that God will be faithful to provide all that I need. I am asking for prayer. For me, for By Provision, and ultimately for the many lost souls that need to encounter the saving grace of Jesus in Namibia, Africa.

I made it.
(Well I still have to get on a plane and fly a BAZILLION hours
but it’s happening, thank goodness!)
To the end....of the beginning.